Custom Diamond Painting Kit
Everything you need is included:

Whether it’s your wedding, beloved pet or family photo, Craft-Ease turns your favorite moment into the best custom-made diamond painting in Poured Glue, with the options of Square and Round diamonds to best suit your custom diamond art!
How to order your own Custom Diamond Painting?Simply upload your ready-to-use photo and place your order or send it to us at support@craft-Ease.com within 24 hours after your order of custom diamond painting kit! Note the below guide to share your photo:
- a high-resolution image with a clear contrast
- the photo with the exact ratio as your chosen option of sizes, or your canvas will come distorted with a different scale
- portraits or images of a focus point look particularly great
- details will not appear like a photo (details would be blurred out)
- colors can vary between the photo and the provided paint colors
If you can’t decide on a photo just yet, check out our beautiful diamond painting kits created by independent artists!

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What's in Every Kit?

Reliving memories through art
Turn your favorite memories from photographs to diamond painting!

Your image

Diamonds that sparkle like fireworks

Poured Glue Canvas that Sticks
Our canvas is covered in poured glue. It will always stick. You'll never have any bubbles and your diamonds will never fall. That's the only way your art will continue to look stunning FOREVER!

Square? Round? Your Choice
Choose your own diamond, whether you prefer life in square or round is your choice to make. We offer diamonds for all tastes.

One? No, Two Applicators!
We know the excitement and urge to see the finished diamond painting assoon as possible, so we include another applicator that can pick up more colored diamonds at once!

Quality Tools 🎨
A tray and a pair of tweezers to keep your workstation organized and your masterpiece error free!

Never run out!
This is a diamond painter's worst nightmare: “Running out of gum before the masterpiece is finished”. Fear not, we have two gum pads ready for you to use! You can also save it for later as an extra for your next diamond painting

No more hassle!
Get your diamonds in a row. Stay organized with our Craft-Ease diamond organizer. Keep everything neat and tidy while you work on your glittery masterpiece!
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